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Scarcity vs Abundance

Updated: Nov 16, 2022


Is the glass half empty or half full?

Our perspective and the state of mind we operate from can have a powerful impact on our individual mental health.

Are we approaching the people and the events in our lives from a place of scarcity? Or a place of abundance and self-fulfillment?

When we approach our lives from a mindset of scarcity, we operate through fear. Fear of loss, fear of abandonment, fear of never being good enough. We learn that to be loved and accepted we must sacrifice ourselves. We seek after light and fulfillment through others.

When we learn to approach our lives through a mindset of self-fulfillment, we operate with love and assertiveness. We learn to meet our own needs in healthy ways, we learn to value ourselves, we begin to recognize our true individual worth.

We do not need to seek light from any other source but ourselves. We already have light, and when we recognize our worth and treasure it, our light begins to grow and to shine brightly.

This can be intimidating, both to ourselves and other people in our lives. Shine anyways.

Shine brighter than the sun and never allow that light to be diminished.

You are lovable.  You are worthy.  You are beautiful.  You are enough.

What is one thing about yourself that reminds you of your worth? What about you makes your light shine brighter?

Tell me in the comments below.

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