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Never Give Up

I think all of us at one time or another hit that point where we think we are just too far gone, too broken and damaged to come back from our traumas. We view ourselves as irredeemable.

I know I have. Countless times. Because the journey to recovery can last a lifetime.

But we can't stay there because the negative forces in our lives want us to give up. Our abusers WANT us to give up. Because if we give up, our power is gone, and they win.

And what I'm learning is that there is no amount of trauma or damage that we cannot come back from if we are willing to break down our own self-protective walls, cut through the chains that bind us, and move forward with a determination to find the happiness and the joy in life that we were always deserving of.

Every journey is different, as individual as the person who experiences them. Every person's journey will look, feel, sound, and be expressed differently. And that's more than ok because our Creator made each of us unique for a reason. But we can still learn from one another and support each other on our various paths.

What IS the same for every healing journey is that it can be difficult, it can be painful, it can feel so lonely, and on some days it will take everything that you have to give.

But if your own healing and happiness aren't worth giving everything you have, what is? If replacing grief and pain with true joy isn't worth the difficulty, what is? If reclaiming your individual worth and building a relationship of love with yourself isn't worth it, what is?

The only person who is going to care deeply about your dreams, your desires, and your well-being is yourself.

There will be days that are filled with hopelessness and despair, and if that's where you're at, that's ok, because better days WILL come as you keep pressing forward. It doesn't matter if you feel like you're moving forward on your hands and knees, or belly crawling inch by inch. You're still here. You're still trying. You still matter.

And the great thing is even when the loneliness of this human journey becomes suffocating, we are never truly alone. We have a loving Creator, Angels, and Guardians who are watching over us, even if we don't see them, and when we are ready to begin shedding the pain and letting the control that our trauma holds over us fall away, our Higher Power will be waiting to fill that space with love and purpose and belonging.

And one day we'll look around us and realize that we're not just surviving anymore, we're thriving. And the journey will have been worth every step.

Never give up.

Never Give Up

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